Amedisys Inc Soars On Deutsche Upgrade

Shares of Amedisys Inc (AMED) rallied 12 percent to $33.03 per share during the Tuesday morning trading session. Analysts at Deutsche Bank (DB) upgraded the company from “Hold” to “Buy with a $39 price target (previous $31).” The volume of AMED shares traded was higher than normal. More than 700,000 shares have already traded hands compared to a daily average of around 528,000. Amedisys’ PEG ratio is 0.49 ; t/12 EPS is $4.51. Short interest stands at 20.60% (that’s a lot).

The morning’s trading range for shares of AMED has been between $31.30 and $33.32 per share. AMED’s shares closed at $29.23 yesterday.

At last check, Amedisys shares were up $2.71 to $31.94, a gain of 9.34%.

Disclosure: No Position

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About Ron Haruni 1071 Articles
Ron Haruni is the Co-Founder & Editor in Chief of Wall Street Pit.

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