Apple’s (AAPL) Board Concerned About the Pace of Innovation Under Cook, Report

FBN’s Charlie Gasparino reports that Apple’s (AAPL) Board of Directors are concerned “about the pace of innovation over at Apple.” Gasparino went on to report that this puts pressure on Apple’s CEO “Tim Cook to basically innovate – do something fast.” Excerpts from the report can be found below, courtesy of Fox Business Network.

On whether Apple’s Board of Directors are concerned about the pace of innovation:
“From what we understand there’s concern at the board level. This is what sources are telling the FOX Business Network about the pace of innovation over at Apple. What have they had lately? They have had the iPad, they’ve had a few other things, but they don’t have anything innovating from what came from Steve Jobs and that concern is basically manifesting into pressure on Tim Cook to basically innovate – do something fast. We should point out this is an interesting board room drama. It doesn’t mean that Tim Cook is out of a job or that there is a job search out there. We don’t know that and I don’t believe that is happening and a matter of fact, sources inside Apple are saying that this is not the case. But what we have been able to confirm is that the board is now worried about what is in the pipeline.”


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