In Other News: 9/8/2008 – GigaOm, Herald Tribune, Sec

Top NewsGigaOm: High levels of demand for third generation devices such as Apple’s iPhone 3G – are clear indications of consumers wanting faster internet services. This article touches on the subject and points out that Europeans are doing something about it. In Amsterdam, Netherlands for instance, where the fiber optic network is already existent, they are thinking about upgrading to symmetrical speeds of connection of up to 1/GB. Britain is also evaluating the cost of connecting the country to a 1Gbit/s network, which according to a report published by “The Broadband Stakeholder Group” – the government’s advisory group on broadband, could cost as much as $52 billion. Certainly not an easy undertaking when considering the scale of the costs combined with issues that involve essentially the rewriting of the rules of how telecom service is defined, funded and delivered, and re-examining the goals for which it is delivered. But, in a fast technologically-advancing world – these are issues that have to be confronted sooner or later. [GigaOm]

Herald Tribune: Consumer prices in Central and Eastern Europe are at last easing after record highs in July and appear ready to start a steep retreat, potentially paving the way for lower interest rates in fiscal ’09. Inflation is falling in the Czech Republic with projections reaching at 5% by the end of 2008, and to be about 3% from early next year onwards. Poland’s central bank governor Slawomir Skrzypek said price growth had peaked but that risks remained. He projected inflation to be something around 5%. A factor in the easing of inflationary pressures, notes HT – for Central and Eastern Europe are weaker commodity prices and economic slowdown which have been exacerbated by weaker growth in the area’s main export market, the euro zone, and by strong currencies across the region. [HT]

A SEC filing showed today Micheal Dell bought 4,878 million shares of Dell Inc. (DELL). The buy order was executed at an average price of $20.49 with shares bought at $20.42-$20.67 levels, on 9/4-9/5 — for a total amount purchased of $99,958,849. Bringing his direct ownership to a total of 225,542,682 shares. Dell shares closed the Monday session at $20.17, gaining $0.31 after hours.

About Ron Haruni 1188 Articles
Ron Haruni

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