Warren Buffet Gives $2 Billion To Charities

Often called the “Oracle of Omaha”, billionaire Warren Buffet has given away $2 billion to charities.

From AP: Excerpt:

Billionaire Warren Buffett has given away 512,169 Class B shares of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRKB-B) stock to three charitable foundations in keeping with his plan to give away the bulk of his fortune.

The gifts were revealed in paperwork filed Monday with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Those shares were worth $3,999 each, more than $2.05 billion total, at the close of trading July 1, the day Buffett transferred their ownership.

Most of the shares – 451,250 – went to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Buffet is known for his philanthropy and support of charitable causes. During fiscal 2006, the Omaha billionaire announced a plan to give away his fortune to charity, with more than 80% of it going to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which is the largest and most transparently operated private foundation in the world.

About Ron Haruni 1188 Articles
Ron Haruni

1 Comment on Warren Buffet Gives $2 Billion To Charities

  1. I just wonder if Warren Buffet would help a law enforcement Officer that gets $0 dollars for the work that I do . I have to pay for everything I need . Help comes from nowhere. My 1988 crown vic transmission is out . My body armor is over 20 years old . my patrol rifel is almost 70 years old. I want to give my tiny micro self to my community. I am all I have to give .

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