Sports Content Firm Acquires SportVU Techonolgy

CNN HologramStats, a sports technology, data and content company, announced today that it has acquired, for an undisclosed sum, SportVU, a Tel Aviv based co. that specializes in automated ID and motion capture technology.

Stats is the company that provided Jessica Yellin, a CNN correspondent covering election night, to be beamed in a “hologram” on live TV. Yellin beamed her image from Chicago to the CNN press center in New York City for the appearance of an intimate face-to-face exchange, by standing in the center of a ring made up by 35 high-definition CNN cameras. All the cameras picked up her every movement and transmitted her image in 3D to the studio in New York. “Our success executing 3D holographic images for CNN on election night was just the start. This break through product demonstrates SportVU’s expansive capabilities in broadcast and beyond,” said Shimon Katzubes, CEO of SportVU.

The acquisition of SportVU is a further extension of Stats’ global presence. Stats recently announced the formation of Stats Italy and Stats Middle East. The company also operates in Europe, India, China and Japan.

Stats is jointly owned by Associated Press and News Corporation (NWS) with corporate offices across the globe. The co. provides sports information, content and statistical analysis to a variety of publishers.

About Ron Haruni 1188 Articles
Ron Haruni

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