Japan to Launch 1Gbps Fiber-Optic Service October 1

Fiber OpticBroadband access to communications networks remains a topic that has consistently gained priority on the political agenda in the developed countries of the world. The adoption and the implementation of deployment strategies on broadband access continues to be viewed as a crucial prerequisite for future economic growth as well as a key factor regarding international competitiveness.

According to JapanToday, , starting October 1, KDDI Corp, a Japanese telecommunications operator – will launch a fiber-optic communications service with upload and download speeds (each way) of up to one gigabit per second. The traffic speeds will be the fastest in eastern Japan, up drastically from the current 100 megabits per second.

The service will cost 5,985 yen (nearly $57) for single family homes and low-rise apartment buildings, down 1,155 yen ($11) from the current price, if a user subscribes for two consecutive years.

KDDI, notes the paper – aims to catch up with Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp, which has a share of over 70% in the market for fiber-optic broadband services for single-family houses.

Japan currently has a leading global position regarding deployment of fibre infrastructure.

About Ron Haruni 1226 Articles
Ron Haruni

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