Market Falls on EU’s Energy Commissioner Comments

The Telegraph reports that the European Union’s energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger was quoted as saying last night on Japan’s deepening nuclear crisis that: “There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen. Practically everything is out of control. I cannot exclude the worst in the hours and days to come.”

Oettinger also said that the situation is “almost completely out of control” and that it’s only going to get worse as workers get evacuated. Meanwhile, Reuters is reporting that EU Energy Commissioner’s spokeswoman says Oettinger does not have any specific extra information on the situation in Japan. Yet, The International Atomic Energy Agency said it was possible that the fuel cores at Fukushima nuclear plant had been damaged in the blasts, increasing the possibility of a full–scale meltdown.

Nuclear emergency experts believe that you can’t keep the situation from escalating without enough personnel on site, pointing at the 50 engineers now at the nuclear station. According to The Telegraph, 70 workers at the Fukushima complex had also received high doses of radiation. Spanish radiobiology scientist Eduard Rodríguez-Farré says that Fukushima is like a “slow-motion camera Chernobyl”. According to him, the situation is now “running wild.”

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