Elin Nordegren Set to Divorce Tiger Woods

Separate reports suggest Tiger Woods’ wife Elin Nordegren plans to divorce the world’s Nr 1 golfer — whose extensive extramarital affairs have dominated the media since late November — after the holidays.

According to an unidentified source reported by People Magazine, today Elin called in California’s top divorce lawyer Sorrell Trope, who has represented Nicole Kidman and Britney Spears in the past, to discuss her pre-nuptial agreement. Nordegren, who has been photographed around Orlando this week without her engagement or wedding rings, may file for divorce in California since the divorce law in that state means there is an equal division of assets and property.

“She’s made up her mind. There’s nothing to think about, he’s never going to change,” the magazine reported the source as saying.

Adding strength to the divorce plan suggestions was another unnamed Nordegren friend who told MSNBC television that Elin is “not going to be one of these ‘stand by your man’ women”.

“She’s a strong woman, this is beyond embarrassing, and she has a daughter and son she has to think about, who will know about this one day.”

Since an early morning crash while driving his SUV outside his Orlando, Fla., mansion on November 27. at least 14 women, including two porn stars, have claimed to have been former lovers of Tiger Woods.

MSNBC reported several unnamed women had said the golfer gave them monthly sums ranging from $5K-$10K, with some believed to have received as much as $20K.

Woods has admitted infidelity and has not been seen publicly since the crash.

Neither Tiger Woods nor his wife have confirmed these reports.

1 Comment on Elin Nordegren Set to Divorce Tiger Woods

  1. Tiger Woods is no more, nor less human than any of us. He is almost a billionaire, so his dirt is turned into gold by the ethical alchemist of society. Those of you who are so offended by Tiger Woods actions should be reminded that not many of us would pass an examination if placed under the microscope of morality. He is an excellent golfer. Yet, he was and never will be anything more than HUMAN! We all are. Look at it in that light and you’ll be less disgusted by this man’s actions. Remember, our dirt would be worth sifting through in the river of righteousness if it contained the valuable mineral known as Fame. Here is a funny video song on Tiger Woods. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7qZgkFX_Ho

    Lighten up gang and laugh through this. After all, he is a Golfer not a God.

    Malik Jubal

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