Now It Appears the NOAA Has Also Been Hiding the Decline (in the US!)

When it rains, it pours. Besides the two examples from Down Under, we now have several examples from California of what appear to be blatant manipulation of temperature data to hide a decline. In both cases the older record was truncated since it showed warmer temperatures back in the 1880s. This chart is from Orland, CA, a rural site which has happily stayed in one place for 100 years. The motion GIF should show the deception (click on it if it doesn’t animate). A second example in the link above comes from Fairmont , CA, another happy, stable rural site.

Yikes, as they say in Oz. When these guys adjust, they don’t mess around. So how can they trumpet the current year as one of the hottest ever when we have had record cold since October, certainly in the US?

In both cases NOAA like CRU before it are now claiming the raw data no longer exists. I guess they learned – Nixon should have burned the tapes!

There may be a prosaic explanation, but instead all we get from the Climate Cabal are attempts to minimize the damage and pretend nothing happened. Worse, we hear Al Gore continue to repeat the falsities as alarmist fact. The cover-up and obfuscation simply compounds the mistake. This is the worst scandal in science in 500 years, and it is getting smellier as more revelations come to light.

About Duncan Davidson 227 Articles

Affiliation: NetService Ventures

Duncan is an advisor to NetService Ventures, where he focuses on digital media and the mobile Internet.

Previously he was at four start-ups: Xumii, a mobile social service based on a Social Addressbook; SkyPilot Networks, the performance leader of wireless mesh systems for last-mile access, where he was the founding CEO; Covad Communications (Amex: DVW, $9B market cap at the peak), the leading independent DSL access provider, where he was the founding Chairman; InterTrust Technologies ($9B market cap at the peak), the pioneer in digital rights management technologies, now owned by Sony and Philips, where he was SVP Business Development and the pitchman for the IPO.

Before these ventures, Duncan was a partner at Cambridge Venture Partners, an early-stage venture firm, and managing partner of Gemini McKenna, a joint venture between Regis McKenna's marketing firm and Gemini Consulting, the global management consulting arm of Cap Gemini.

He serves on the board or is an adviser to Aggregate Knowledge (content discovery), Livescribe (digital pen), AllVoices (citizen journalism), Xumii (mobile social addressbook), Verismo (Internet settop box), and Widevine (DRM for IPTV).

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