iPhone 5 Preorders Might Not Ship Late After All

The iPhone 5 preorder frenzy was so intense that the delivery dates got pushed back about two to three weeks within an hour. The change, which underscores once again the continued demand and appeal of the iPhone 5, means that early buyers will have to wait until Sept. 29 to get their smartphones at the earliest. According to AppleInsider though, if you ended up with the ‘two-to-three-weeks-later’ date, you might not have to wait it out.

Apparently, some iPhone buyers have received emails from Apple (AAPL) letting them know that despite talk of pushed back shipment dates on iPhone 5, their handset will arrive sooner than expected.

[via AInsider] “We have some good news concerning your recent iPhone 5 purchase,” the e-mail from Apple reads. “We expect it to be delivered to you on the first day of iPhone 5 availability — Friday, September 21. The delivery date we previously sent you was not accurate.”

There doesn’t seem to be a reason as to why certain customers are receiving the email and some are not. The only explanation we can think of right now is this is nothing but a very smart PR move by Copertino. Make it look like iPhone 5 sold out of launch day stock before it actually did to ramp up buzz and then all of a sudden find enough initial stock to magically get everyone their handsets on release.

Apple launched its iPhone 5 on Wednesday, nearly 2 years after rumors concerning the gadget began to emerge.

The device comes with a host of improvements, including a bigger screen, faster processor, 4G LTE, and a new dock connector called ‘Lightning’. iPhone 5 is available on Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ), AT&T (T), and Sprint (S) networks in the U.S.

Meanwhile, in other “iPhone 5 fever” news. According to Business Insider, new Yahoo (YHOO) CEO Marissa Mayer is giving her full time and part time employees in the US, iPhone 5s, or whatever other smart handsets they want. She is also going to pay their data and phone bills, too.

The idea behind the move, besides a more informed and motivated Yahoo workforce, is to have all Yahoo employees use the phones that Yahoo users are using.

“We’d like our employees to have devices similar to our users, so we can think and work as the majority of our users do,” the memo said.

Mayer send the memo posted below to Yahoos late Saturday night:

“We have a very exciting update to share with you today — we are announcing Yahoo Smart Phones, Smart Fun! As of today, Yahoo is moving off of Blackberries as our corporate phones and on to smartphones in 22 countries. A few weeks ago, we said that we would look into smartphone penetration rates globally and take those rates into account when deciding on corporate phones. Ideally, we’d like our employees to have devices similar to our users, so we can think and work as the majority of our users do.

“Moving forward, we’ll offer you a choice of devices as well as provide monthly plans for the data and phone.

“The smartphone choices that we are including in the program are:

* Apple iPhone 5.

* Android.

— Samsung Galaxy S3.

— HTC One X.


* Windows Phone 8.

— Nokia Lumia 920.

“We’re getting started right away and taking orders starting now.”

The program will cost Yahoo several million of dollars ; a drop in the bucket for a company raking in billions of dollars in revenues annually.

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