Abbott Laboratories Receives FDA Approval for Molecular Test for Hepatitis C

Abbott Laboratories (ABT) announced today that it has received approval from the FDA to market its RealTime PCR test for measuring the viral load of hepatitis C. The Abbott RealTime HCV assay, developed for use on the Abbott m2000 system, is intended for use as an aid in the management of HCV-infected patients undergoing antiviral therapy.

“With the addition of the HCV assay to its automated m2000 system, Abbott is the only molecular diagnostics supplier in the U.S., to offer viral load assays for HIV, HBV and HCV, and a combination test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, on a single molecular platform,” said in a statement Joseph Jacobs, M.D., associate medical director, Abbott Molecular.

Abbott gained 10 cents, or less than 1 percent, to $53.60 at 12:46 pm E.T. in New York Stock Exchange trading.

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