My Mother was a fanatic about swimming lessons for her children. From the age of 5 until my early teens my summer mornings were tied up with progressively advanced lessons. I don’t think the Red Cross (that’s who provided the lessons at public pools) had at that time any certification that I didn’t earn.
Like all healthy American boys, I finally rebelled and refused to further hone my already considerable natating skills generally because hormones were directing my interests elsewhere. It appears as if, as usual, Mother knew best and as I ignored her direction to my everlasting loss. Witness this from the Orange County Register:
When thinking about career options with high salaries, lifeguarding is probably not one of the first jobs to come to mind. But it apparently should. In one of Orange County’s most desirable beach destinations, Newport Beach, lifeguards are compensated all too well; especially compared with the county annual median household income of $71,735.
It might be time for a career change.
According to a city report on lifeguard pay for the calendar year 2010, of the 14 full-time lifeguards, 13 collected more than $120,000 in total compensation; one lifeguard collected $98,160.65. More than half the lifeguards collected more than $150,000 for 2010 with the two highest-paid collecting $211,451 and $203,481 in total compensation respectively. Even excluding benefits like health care and pension, more than half the lifeguards receive a total salary, including overtime pay, exceeding $100,000. And they also receive an annual allowance of $400 for “Sun Protection.” Many work four days a week, 10 hours a day.
Yes, they do get pensions as well. After 30 years of service they can retire if they are 50 years old and collect 90% of their salary.
Sure glad I rang up those loans for college and grad school.
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