Google Rumored to Introduce First Wireless Eye-Tracking Headset (GOOG)

People at Mountain View going for an even deeper push into virtual reality.

Google GOOGL VR Glasses

Google-parent Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOGL) is ready to launch its Virtual Reality headset called the ‘Daydream View’ which matches perfectly with the Pixel line, Google’s first self-branded phones. However, rumor has it that the company will not stop there. The tech giant is reportedly working on a more advanced eye-tracking headset.

Google joined the VR experience and introduced their first rather simplistic attempt with the Google Cardboard headset. However, Daydream View, which will take the basic ideas behind Cardboard a step further, is considered their biggest bid in trying to join the likes of Facebook’s Oculus, HTC, Intel, and Qualcomm.

As mentioned, to make a better impact the device is made for pairing with the Pixel line of phones. With Samsung’s recent flop with their Galaxy Note 7 units, many are expecting for a shift towards Google’s flagship device. For customers who are still leaning towards Android phones, Google’s extremely fast Pixel should be placed high in consideration.

Getting back to Google’s VR efforts, there are rumored to be around 50 developers who will be bringing their games and apps to Google’s Daydream before the year ends. According to the search giant, Daydream is set for release on November but a specific date has yet to be given. The device is priced at $79.00, inclusive of the motion-sensing controller.

Apart from Daydream, Google is also reportedly working on a standalone VR headset that has the ability to map out the world around you. Rumors suggest that the next device might even be able to follow your vision thanks to an eye-tracking capability.

The rumored VR headset, which is separate from the Daydream VR platform, will be completely standalone and will not connect for powering purposes to any device such as a PC or a smartphone. According to Engadget, this eye-tracking headset will be able to “blur the line between virtual and augmented reality” thanks to the technology and algorithms the company will include.

Engadget also reports that in building the advanced device Google will partner with Movidius, a soon-to-be-Intel-purchased computer vision company which will provide Google processor chips that will aid in tracking motion and positional awareness.

While Google and Movidius have remained silent on the rumor – a report said that a “wireless virtual reality” device passed through FFC’s for approval. The file revealed very little information about the gear but it can be noted that Google’s VR group director of product and management Mike Jazayeri is listed as contact.

While the form of Google’s eye-tracking headset remains a blur, Microsoft and Magic Leap are trying to reach the same goal. Magic Leap actually named Google as one of their important investors, a hint which may lead others to assume that the company is really interested in advancing VR technology.

If the rumors are proven to be true, Google’s wireless eye-tracking headset might just be the very first to insert reality into the virtual world.

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