About Nicholas Bloom

Affiliation: Stanford University

Nick Bloom is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Stanford University, having previously worked at the Centre for Economic Performance, and the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

His main research interests are on measuring and explaining management and organisational practices across firms and countries, and trying to use this to explain differences in firm and country level growth. He also works on innovation and IT, looking at factors that effect these such as competition, tax, learning and Government regulations. A third area of research is on the causes and consequences of uncertainty, arising both from one-off events like the 9/11 terrorist attack and the Cuban Missile crisis, and also from slower-moving uncertainty fluctuations over the business cycle.

He previously worked as a policy advisor at HM Treasury and as a management consultant a McKinsey & Company. He is a graduate of Cambridge University, with a PhD from University College London.

Visit: Stanford University