Three Industries That Continue to Add Jobs

Is this the moment where the balance of power finally shifts to Internet-related employment?

After this morning’s job report, I thought I’d run graphs of three industries where job growth seems healthy.  Over the past year, jobs in electronic shopping establishments are up 11% (the zigs and zags come from holiday employment).  Jobs in “internet publishing, broadcasting and web search portal” establishments are up 20%. Employment in computer systems design, programming and related is up 5%, but that’s off a much larger base (please excuse the funky formatting…my power is still out).

About Michael Mandel 126 Articles

Michael Mandel was BusinessWeek's chief economist from 1989-2009, where he helped direct the magazine's coverage of the domestic and global economies.

Since joining BusinessWeek in 1989, he has received multiple awards for his work, including being honored as one of the 100 top U.S. business journalists of the 20th century for his coverage of the New Economy. In 2006 Mandel was named "Best Economic Journalist" by the World Leadership Forum.

Mandel is the author of several books, including Rational Exuberance, The Coming Internet Depression, and The High Risk Society.

Mandel holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University.

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