Apple Co-Founder Ronald Wayne on Steve Jobs

Apple Computer Company (AAPL) Co-Founder Ronald Wayne spoke with FBN’s Cheryl Casone about Steve Jobs’ decision to step down as CEO, relinquishing control to Tim Cook. Wayne said he believes “Steve Jobs has done a magnificent job of lining up a crew and has transferred to them a good measure of his creativity” and as a result he expects “these people will do quite well.” He went on to speak about Jobs’ personality saying, “you don’t want to be standing in front of him when he wants to go some place.” Excerpts from the interview can be found below, courtesy of Fox Business Network.

On how Apple will proceed without Steve Jobs’ leadership:
“As far as I can tell, Steve Jobs has done a magnificent job of lining up a crew and has transferred to them a good measure of his creativity. I expect these people will do quite well.”

On Steve Jobs’ personality:
“Steve has an interesting personality in the sense that he is laser focused on whatever he wants to do. You don’t want to be standing in front of him when he wants to go some place.”

On Steve Jobs’ involvement in Apple going forward:
“I think he will remain involved in terms of concepts, ideas, focus and direction. He will be a guide to people who continue in the enterprise.”

On why he left the company 12 days after starting Apple:
“I had this impression that if I had stayed with Apple; which I thought was going to be an absolutely successful enterprise although nobody could have anticipated what it actually became, I felt I would have wound up administering a large office in the back of the building administering papers for the rest of my life. I was in the shadow of some really brilliant minds.”

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