Cablevision System Lunches iPad Software

The Wall Street Journal reports that Cablevision Systems Corp. (CVC) has unveiled a new free software that transmits live channels to Apple (AAPL) iPads after a similar application offered by Time Warner Cable Inc.’s (TWC) live TV app exposed a disagreement between cable operators and major programmers on content rights.

[From The WSJ]: The move comes after Time Warner Cable removed a dozen channels, including Comedy Central and the Discovery Channel, from its live TV app after some media companies disputed its right to distribute their networks on Apple’s popular tablet device. The company later added other channels to the app and announced plans for more, insisting it does own the rights to offer programming on such devices, but only within its customers’ homes.

Likewise, Cablevision’s app can only be used within its customers’ homes, but it takes a bolder approach by offering customers access to all the channels they can access on TV through their pay-TV subscription on their iPad, including broadcast networks and features like video-on-demand and digital video recording.

Cablevision CEO Tom Rutledge said in a press release the new app provides customers “the additional flexibility and convenience of watching television throughout the home, in places where set-top boxes might not be ideal or even practical, like the kitchen, bathroom or work room.”

CVC closed up 0.14% to $34.66 on Friday.

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