IAEA: Radiation 1,600 Times Normal Level 20km From Fukushima Nuclear Accident

While efforts from the Japanese authorities to restore power at the quake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station are on-going, there are reports that radiation levels are 1,600 times higher than normal 20 kilometers from the crippled nuclear complex.

From Kyodo:

Radiation 1,600 times higher than normal levels has been detected in an area about 20 kilometers from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] officials said Monday.

Data collected by an IAEA team show that radiation levels of 161 microsievert per hour have been detected in the town of Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, the officials said.

The government has set an exclusion zone covering areas within a 20-km radius of the plant and has urged people within 20 to 30 km to stay indoors.

Apparently, the overall situation at the Fukushima plant, despite some steady improvements in the last couple of days, remains very serious as high levels of contamination continue to be measured in the locality of the nuclear complex.

For an idea of what constitutes ‘extremely high’ radiation levels, and what this means for human health, check out J. Golob’s very informative March 16 article.

About Ron Haruni 1263 Articles
Ron Haruni

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