Pelosi Hails GM IPO

House speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was one of strongest advocates for saving General Motors (GM), released the following statement today on the company’s initial public offering.

“General Motors’ initial public offering is a sign of progress for America’s auto industry, for our nation’s workers, for our manufacturers and our long-term prosperity. In the midst of a severe recession, Congressional Democrats and President Obama took difficult emergency action to rescue American auto companies and strengthen critical pillars of our manufacturing sector, while protecting taxpayers. Today we have more evidence that those actions are paying off, and the American people are one step closer to being made whole.

“Preserving, bolstering, and expanding our manufacturing base is central to our economic growth, our national security, and our competitiveness on the global stage, and key to establishing America’s manufacturers as centers of innovation. Democrats’ ‘Make It In America’ strategy rests at the core of our ongoing efforts to create good-paying jobs, invest in a clean energy economy, and rebuild our middle class. We know that when we make, grow, and build it in America, our country grows stronger; our workers grow more secure; and our nation leads the world economy.

“I hope GM’s progress spurs leaders on both sides of the aisle to work together to continue investing in our manufacturers, in our workers, and in jobs for our middle class.”

About Ari Haruni 541 Articles
Ari Haruni

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