Comscore: Microsoft Top Display Advertiser for June

comScore, Inc. (SCOR), a co. which provides marketing data and services to many of the Internet’s largest businesses, released today, based on data from the comScore Ad Metrix service – its June ’08 ranking of the top online display ad publishers and advertisers.

Fox Interactive Media, which owns – a division of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., ranked as the top display ad publishing property in June, serving 52.3 billion ad views, grabbing almost 16% market share. accounted for 51 billion of these views. Apparently, having campaign optimization capabilities within the co. and the massive amount of data on the advertising, has given the ability to built an effective and powerful ad network.

Yahoo Sites (YHOO), ranked second in total ad views. Recording 34.7 billion views while claiming 10.5% market share. Yahoo reached 130 million unique individuals with its ads — more people than any other publisher.

AOL LLC ranked third with 19 billion display ads, grabbing only 5.8% market share, followed by Microsoft Sites with 15.4 billion, 4.7% market share.

Google (GOOG) Sites ranked fifth – with 5.1 billion and only 1.5% market share.

The top spot as ‘Top Display Advertiser’ in June, went to Microsoft (MSFT). The co. notes comScore, was the top display advertiser in June with 5.5 billion display ad views, due in large part to its promotional campaign for Windows Live Search. The University of Phoenix, an online university, ranked second with 4.7 billion, followed by Experian 4 billion.

Comscore: Top Advertiser

Several communications providers ranked among the top ten, including Verizon (VZ) with 3.818 billion, AT&T (T) with 3.802 billion. Deutsche Telekom (DT) and Vonage (VG) came in seventh and eighth, respectively.

About Ron Haruni 1188 Articles
Ron Haruni

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