Blogger Vows to Take Fight to Court Against Goldman Sachs Legal Threats

As we reported yesterday (Thursday), Florida-based blogger Mike Morgan, who runs a blog entitled “Facts about Goldman Sachs” – the web address for which is, was warned via a cease-and-desist letter by Goldman Sachs (GS), and threatened with legal action if he does not shut down his website.

It seems though Mr. Morgan, who remains extremely critical of Goldman’s role in the financial meltdown, is unlikely to go down without a fight. He is vowing to keep fighting and predicts that the merits on the legality of the claim by Goldman will most probably be decided in court.

From the Daily Telegraph: On a special section of his blog entitled “Goldman Sachs vs Mike Morgan” he predicts that the fight will probably end up in court.

“It’s just another example of how a bully like Goldman Sachs tries to throw their weight around,” he writes.

Speaking to…Telegraph, Mr Morgan explained how he went through a similar battle with US homebuilder Lennar a few years ago after he set up a website to collect information on what he alleged was shoddy workmanship in its homes. The pair eventually settled out of court.

“Since I went through this with Lennar, I’ve had advice from some of the best intellectual property lawyers, and I know exactly what I can and can’t do. We’re not going to back down from this,” he promises.


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