Two Uber-Deflationists Make Whisky Bet on 10-Year Yield

David Rosenberg of Gluskin-Sheff and investor Marc Faber, two well-known deflationists, are betting a bottle of whiskey on whether 10-year Treasury yields can go lower than 2 percent.

Bloomberg: Rosenberg…predicted yields on the 10-year note will drop to less than 2 percent. Faber, the publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report, said he doesn’t believe they’ll fall to less than December 2008’s low of 2.08 percent. They have put booze on the line.

“If I lose the bet, I buy him a bottle of Cutty Sark, and if I win, I want a bottle of Dalwhinnie,” Rosenberg, 49, said during a radio interview today with Tom Keene on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”

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