Elisabeth Murdoch Emulating Her Father’s Global Ambitions

Elisabeth Murdoch, the daughter of the media mogul and billionaire Rupert Murdoch, has launched an international expansion of her TV production company, Shine. Emulating her father’s global ambitions, Ms Murdoch last week expanded her London-based Shine – which she founded in 2001 and has since grown into Britain’s second-biggest independent production company, worth about £200 million ($413 million) – into Europe’s biggest economy, setting up offices in Munich and Cologne to produce TV shows for the German market.

Ms Murdoch said the move was the first step of a push over the next 12 months to enter new markets, including other parts of Europe, and Australia.

The expansion plans for Shine come a month after Elisabeth Murdoch rejected an offer by her father to join the News Corp board following the resignation of his second-in-command, Peter Chernin. [via The Sydney Morning Herald]

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