Salazar to Reissue Offshore Deepwater Drilling Ban

Reuters reports that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told lawmakers on Wednesday that he will reissue the offshore drilling moratorium in water deeper than 500 feet after a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction, overturning a six-month ban on new deepwater drilling projects imposed in response to the massive Gulf oil spill.

Reuters: “Interior Secretary Ken Salazar [explained in a testimony before Congress on Wednesday] why the government will appeal that ruling and seek to renew the ban.

The ban was imposed after a well operated by British oil company BP exploded on April 20 and began spewing crude into the sea.

“We see clear evidence every day, as oil spills from BP’s well, of the need for a pause on deepwater drilling,” Salazar said in a statement.

Salazar will testify to a Senate subcommittee….along with Michael Bromwich, the new head of the Bureau of Ocean Energy, which under its previous name the Minerals and Management Service was blamed for failing to police the energy industry adequately.”

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