Dick Fuld, Ex-Lehman Brothers CEO, Returns to Wall Street

I don’t know if there is an intelligent critique out there that hasn’t yet been made about the way ex-Lehman Brothers (LEHMQ) boss Dick Fuld, the most vilified men coming out of the financial crisis, ran his former company. That however, hasn’t stopped him from returning to Wall Street.

Reuters reports that according to the FINRA BrokerCheck website, Fuld has been employed and registered since May 6, with a full service broker-dealer New York firm called Legend Securities.

“A man who answered the trading line at Legend Securities said Fuld was not at the firm”. When asked [by Reuters] if Chief Executive Anthony Fusco could comment, he said, “The CEO is out and we have no comment,” and hung up the phone.

Fuld could not be reached immediately for comment.”

Dick Fuld, also known as ‘The Gorilla of Wall Street’, steered Lehman deep into the business of subprime mortgages. Questioned by a Congressional panel in April, the Lehman boss did accept that the bank had too much real estate investment and that he misjudged the “depth and violence” of the looming crisis.

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