After-Hours Earnings (April 28)

» Look for the following companies to release earnings After the Close today – Wednesday, April 28:

ACE Limited (ACE) Key Energy (KEG)
Advance America (AEA) Kilroy Realty (KRC)
Advent Software (ADVS) Kirby (KEX)
Akamai Technologies (AKAM) LHC Group (LHCG)
Alliance HealthCare Services (AIQ) Lincoln National (LNC)
The Allstate Co. (ALL) Logitech International SA (LOGI)
American Railcar Industries (ARII) LogMeIn (LOGM)
Aspen Insurance Holdings (AHL) LoopNet (LOOP)
Assurant (AIZ) LSI (LSI)
AvalonBay Communities (AVB) ManTech (MANT)
AXT (AXTI) Meritage Homes (MTH)
Baidu (BIDU) Metabolix (MBLX)
Baldor Electric (BEZ) Methanex (MEOH)
Beckman Coulter (BEC) Morningstar (MORN)
Brandywine Realty Trust (BDN) Neurocrine Biosciences (NBIX)
Cabot (CBT) Neustar (NSR)
Cabot Oil & Gas (COG) Newport (NEWP)
Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) O’Reilly Automotive (ORLY)
California Water (CWT) Oceaneering International (OII)
CardioNet (BEAT) Odyssey Healthcare (ODSY)
CB Richard Ellis Group (CBG) Oil States (OIS)
CBL & Associates Properties (CBL) ONEOK (OKE)
Celera (CRA) ONEOK Partners (OKS)
Cerner (CERN) Openwave Systems (OPWV)
China Integrated Energy (CBEH) Orthofix (OFIX)
Cincinnati Financial (CINF) Owens-Illinois (OI)
Cliffs Natural Resources (CLF) Power Integrations (POWI)
Compellent Technologies (CML) Realty Income (O)
ComScore (SCOR) RightNow Technologies (RNOW)
Core Laboratories (CLB) The Ryland Group (RYL)
Covance (CVD) Selective Insurance (SIGI)
Covenant Transportation (CVTI) Service (SCI)
Crown Castle International (CCI) Shutterfly (SFLY)
DivX (DIVX) Skechers USA (SKX)
Duke Realty (DRE) Internet Brands (INET)
Dynamics Research (DRCO) Steiner Leisure (STNR)
EastGroup Properties (EGP) Stericycle (SRCL)
Enbridge Energy Partners (EEP) Sun Healthcare (SUNH)
Encore Wire (WIRE) Superior Energy Services (SPN)
Entropic Communications (ENTR) SurModics (SRDX)
Epicor Software (EPIC) Taleo (TLEO)
Equifax (EFX) Tessera Technologies (TSRA)
Equity Residential (EQR) Tetra Tech (TTEK)
Everest Re (RE) Thomas Weisel Partners Group (TWPG)
Express Scripts (ESRX) Tollgrade Communications (TLGD)
Famous Dave’s (DAVE) Town Sports International (CLUB)
First Solar (FSLR) Trinity Industries (TRN)
FMC Technologies (FTI) TriQuint Semiconductor (TQNT)
Fortinet (FTNT) Triumph Group (TGI)
General Maritime (GMR) Tyler Technologies (TYL)
Geron (GERN) U.S. Auto Parts Network (PRTS)
Goldcorp (GG) Varian Medical Systems (VAR)
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) VeriSign (VRSN)
GSI Commerce (GSIC) Visa (V)
Harris (HRS) Walter Energy (WLT)
Helix Energy Solutions (HLX) WCA Waste (WCAA)
Highwoods Properties (HIW) Whiting Petroleum (WLL)
Horace Mann Educators (HMN) Willis Group Holdings (WSH)
Illumina (ILMN) Xilinx (XLNX)
InterDigital (IDCC) iRobot (IRBT)
Interface (IFSIA) Itron (ITRI)
International Coal Group (ICO) Kaiser Aluminum (KALU)


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