The Mason-Dixon Line in Health Care Reform: Economists Edition

The WSJ Real Time Economics blog has posted the letters for and against the health care reform bill winding through Congress. The most interesting thing about the lists of signatories is the geographical divide. It was so interesting, I did a fast tabulation (so, don’t quote me on it), and what one finds is that of the list in favor, only 2 of 41 economists are affiliated with institutions in the South (defined using the most restrictive definition in this Wikipedia page — so to be completely accurate, I haven’t used the actual Mason-Dixon line). Of the 127 signatories to the against letter, 40 are affiliated with institutions in the South, i.e., essentially 1/3 of the total. A list of affiliations is below:


Brookings Princeton
Harvard Harvard
Brooking UCLA
Brandeis UCSF
Stanford Chicago
Harvard Princeton
Princeton George Mason
Michigan Chicago
Syracuse Penn
Brookings Princeton
Princeton* Harvard
MIT UC Berkeley
Boston Dartmouth College
Stanford Michigan
USC (Southern California) Harvard
MIT Chicago
Michigan Emory
Urban Inst. UC Berkeley
Michigan Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
Harvard Harvard



AEI Brigham Young
U. Mich, Flint Clemson
Carnegie Mellon Idaho
Memphis* Univ. Texas – Arlington
Metropolitan State College, Denver Wainwright and Co.
Virginia Center for University Studies (Texas)
Colorado Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
Baylor Colorado
Pacific Research Institute Missouri Southern State
CSU, Northridge Wake Forest
Robert Morris University Ohio
Menlo College Temple
Western Kentucky Clemson
Hudson Institute Delaware
Univ. Wisconsin -Milwaukee Univ. Texas – Dallas
South Florida California State University, Long Beach
Chapman Institute for the Research on the Economics of Taxation
Alabama George Mason
Odessa College (TX) Univ. Missouri – KC
French, Wolf & Farr (Law Firm) Kennesaw
American Action Forum Alaska, Anchorage*
Hillsdale Indiana Wesleyan
Towson N. Carolina State
Baylor AEI
Denver Minnesota
California State University, Northridge Chicago
Chapman Metropolitan State College of Denver
Hillsdale Clemson
Econforecaster (N.Carolina) Chicago
Marquette* FRB Atlanta*
Colorado* Univ. Texas – Dallas
Georgetown Northern Illinois
Barton College AEI
Georgia State Cornell
California State University, Chico Chapman
Northern Illinois California State University*
Pacific Research Institute Univ. Illinois – Chicago
Michigan State Duke
Arizona Center for Health Policy
Univ. Texas – San Antonio Nevada
Trine University Metropolitan State College, Denver
N. Carolina State Wayne State
New Mexico Robert Niehaus, Inc.
Montana* Penn State
Texas Penn
Univ. South Florida Louisiana State
Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation (Wash., DC) Cornell
Missouri Duquesne
Mercer University Montgomery County Community College (PA)
Franciscan University of Steubenville Texas A&M
Hillsdale University Colorado at Colorado Springs
Bellevue University Univ. Texas – El Paso
Michigan State University Central Michigan University
AEI University of Denver
Columbia SUNY – Buffalo
U. Mass Boston* UC Irvine
Houston Toledo
Missouri University of Science and Tech St. Cloud
UCLA Printing Industries of America
Carnegie Mellon Ball State University
Emory Mississippi (Mich.) Iowa
Lipscomb (Tenn.) Univ. Missouri – St. Louis
North Dakota State


Where * denotes emeritus or retired or former status. I used the postal address for the institutions such as consulting firms, journals or think tanks, to determine geographical location.

I’ve excluded Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware from the definition of the South; using the more expansive definition raises the ratio to 45/127 = 35.4%.

The Mason-Dixon Line in Health Care Reform: Economists Edition

About Menzie Chinn 83 Articles

Affiliation: University of Wisconsin

Menzie Chinn is Professor of Public Affairs and Economics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Visit: Econbrowser

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