The World’s Safest Banks List

After a couple of very difficult years the banking sector and its stability are still high on corporate and investor agendas.

Global Finance Magazine, which this year published its 18th annual list of the world’s safest banks, has compiled for the first time in 17 years a “mid-year” list of the ‘World’s 50 Safest Banks’. Ratings from Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch were used to compile the list.

The magazine’s  rankings — recognized as the standard of creditworthiness for the entire financial world — were created through the comparison of long-term credit ratings and analysis of total assets owned by the 500 largest banks around the world.

For ease of comparison, CNBC has put together a list with the highest ranking bank in each country, as well as key statistics for each country’s banking system. You will be surprised where the safest banks in the world are located.

Click to See The World’s Safest Banks:

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