Notable Downgrades: SUNE, BCRX, ORCL, RICE, SNDK

SunEdison, Inc. (SUNE) was reiterated a ‘Neutral’ by UBS analysts on Wednesday. The broker also cut its price target on the stock to $6 from $9. SUNE was down $0.88 at $4.89 in mid-day trade, moving within a 52-week range of $4.75 to $33.45. The name, valued at $1.54 billion, opened at $5.70.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (BCRX) was downgraded by BofA/Merrill from a ‘Neutral’ rating to a ‘Underperform’ rating in a research report issued to clients on Wednesday. BCRX closed at $10.21 on Tuesday and is currently trading down $0.44. In the past 52 weeks, shares of the company have traded between a low of $7.85 and a high of $16.83 and are now trading at $9.77. Shares are down 8.51% year-over-year and 16.04% year-to-date.

Oracle Corporation (ORCL) had its rating lowered from ‘Overweight’ to ‘Equal-Weight’ by analysts at Morgan Stanley on Wednesday. Currently there are 18 analysts that rate ORCL a ‘Buy’, 3 analysts rate it a ‘Sell’, and 14 rate it a ‘Hold’. ORCL was down $0.80 at $39.12 in mid-day trade, moving within a 52-week range of $35.14 to $46.71. The name, valued at $166.83 billion, opened at $39.24.

Goldman reported on Wednesday that they have lowered their rating for Rice Energy Inc. (RICE). The firm has downgraded RICE from ‘Buy’ to ‘Neutral’. Rice Energy Inc. recently traded at $14.62, a loss of $1.19 over Tuesday’s closing price. The name has a current market capitalization of $1.99 billion.

SanDisk Corp. (SNDK) was downgraded from ‘Outperform’ to ‘Market Perform’ at Bernstein. Shares have traded today between $73.66 and $75.55 with the price of the stock fluctuating between $44.28 to $106.64 over the last 52 weeks. SanDisk Corp. shares are currently changing hands at 35.68x this year’s forecasted earnings, compared to the industry’s 13.56x earnings multiple. Ticker has a t-12 price/sales ratio of 2.64. EPS for the same period registers at $2.07. Shares of SNDK have lost $1.87 to $73.83 in mid-day trading on Wednesday, giving it a market cap of roughly $14.82 billion. The stock traded as high as $106.64 in Dec 8, 2014.

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