Notable Downgrades: Glu Mobile (GLUU), Century Aluminum (CENX), OvaScience (OVAS), Sanofi (SNY), QUALCOMM (QCOM)

Glu Mobile, Inc. (GLUU) had its rating lowered from ‘Buy’ to ‘Hold’ by analysts at The Benchmark Company on Monday. The firm sees shares as fairly valued at $3.69, versus $3.22 close. Currently there are 6 analysts that rate Glu a ‘Buy’ vs. one rating it ‘Hold’. No analyst rates it a ‘Sell’.

GLUU was down $0.09 at $3.13 in morning trade, moving within a 52-week range of $3.01 to $7.03. The name, valued at $410.97 million, opened at $3.13.

Century Aluminum Co. (CENX) was downgraded from ‘Buy’ to ‘Neutral’ at Nomura. Shares have traded today between $4.00 and $4.27 with the price of the stock fluctuating between $3.19 to $31.75 over the last 52 weeks.

Leerink Partners reported on Monday that they have lowered their rating for OvaScience, Inc. (OVAS). The firm has downgraded OVAS from ‘Outperform’ to ‘Market Perform’.

Ovascience Inc. recently traded at $11.31, a loss of $0.92 over Friday’s closing price. The name has a current market cap of $308.52 million.

Sanofi (SNY) had its rating lowered from ‘Outperform’ to ‘Market Perform’ by analysts at Bernstein today. Currently there are 15 analysts that rate SNY a ‘Buy’, 1 analyst rates it a ‘Sell’, and 13 rate it a ‘Hold’. SNY was down $1.28 at $45.32 in morning trade, moving within a 52-week range of $43.57 to $54.98. The name, valued at $118.39 billion, opened at $45.54.

Qualcomm Incorporated (QCOM) was downgraded by Nomura from a ‘Buy’ rating to a ‘Neutral’ rating in a research report issued to clients on Monday. QCOM closed at $53.42 on Friday and is currently trading down $0.51. In the past 52 weeks, shares of the developer of digital communications products have traded between a low of $49.92 and a high of $75.72 and are now trading at $52.91.

Shares are down 22.25% year-over-year and down 26.60% year-to-date.

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