Notable Upgrades: Gilead Sciences (GILD), Ideal Power (IPWR), American Eagle Outfitters (AEO), Golar LNG Limited (GLNG), Apple (AAPL)

Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD) had its ‘Buy’ rating reiterated by analysts at Citigroup (C) in a research note issued on Friday. The firm also raised the biopharmaceutical company’s price target to $139 from $111, saying management looks “very optimistic” that fiscal 2015 hepatitis C treatment volumes could increase significantly over fiscal 2014 rates globally. Citi’s new PT points to a potential upside of 30.90% from the stock’s current price-per-share.

GILD shares are currently priced at 39.14x this year’s forecasted earnings, which makes them expensive compared to the industry’s 2.63x earnings multiple. Ticker has a forward P/E of 11.32 and T-12 price-to-sales ratio of 9.18. EPS for the same period is $2.70.

GILD shares recently gained $0.03 to $105.96. In the past 52 weeks, shares of Foster City, California-based firm have traded between a low of $58.81 and a high of $110.64 and are now at $105.69. Shares are up 64.61% year-over-year and 40.99% year-to-date.

The chart below shows where the equity has traded over the last year, with the 50-day and 200-day moving averages included.

Analysts at Roth Capital initiated coverage on Ideal Power Inc (IPWR) with a ‘Buy ‘rating and a $17.00 price target in a research report issued to clients on Friday. RC’s price target would suggest a potential upside of 102.86% from the stock’s current pps.

Ideal Power shares recently gained $0.75 to $8.38. In the past 52 weeks, shares of Spicewood, Texas-based power converter solutions provider have traded between a low of $5.15 and a high of $12.59. Shares are up 54.17% year-over-year and 55.13% year-to-date.

The chart below shows where the equity has traded over the last year, with the 50-day and 200-day moving averages included.

American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) had its rating upgraded to ‘Buy’ from ‘Neutral’ by analysts at Goldman Sachs (GS) on Friday.

American Eagle Outfitters shares are currently priced at 47.41x this year’s forecasted earnings compared to the industry’s -9.43x earnings multiple. Ticker has a PEG and forward P/E ratio of 2.87 and 18.68, respectively. Price/Sales for the same period is 0.86 while EPS is $0.31. Currently, AEO has a median Wall Street price target of $13.00 with a high target of $20.00.

In the past 52 weeks, shares of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based company have traded between a low of $10.12 and a high of $16.95 and are now at $14.46. Shares are down 3.73% year-over-year ; up 0.49% year-to-date.

The chart below shows where the equity has traded over the last year, with the 50-day and 200-day moving averages included.

Golar LNG Limited (GLNG) had its price target raised to $110 from $75 by analysts at Bank of America (BAC) this morning. Bofa’s new PT represents expected upside of 52.88% from the stock’s current price-per-share.

GLNG shares recently gained $0.73 to $71.93. Approximately 1.66M shares have already changed hands, compared to the stock’s average daily volume of 1,463,800. In the past 52 weeks, shares of Hamilton, Bermuda-based midstream liquefied natural gas company have traded between a low of $33.07 and a high of $74.44. Shares are up 88.20% year-over-year and 98.73% year-to-date.

The chart below shows where the equity has traded over the last year, with the 50-day and 200-day moving averages included.

Apple Inc (AAPL) had its price target raised to $110 from $106 by analysts at Cowen on Friday, implying 8.26% returns from the stock’s current pps.

Apple shares are currently priced at 17.05x this year’s forecasted earnings compared to the industry’s 23.50x earnings multiple. Ticker, which is currently valued at $610.05B, has a PEG and forward P/E ratio of 1.32 and 14.17, respectively. Price/Sales for the same period is 3.42 while EPS is $5.96. Currently, AAPL has a median Wall Street price target of $110.00 with a high target of $139.00.

AAPL shares recently lost $0.17 to $101.62. In the past 52 weeks, shares of Cupertino, California-based tech giant have traded between a low of $66.57 and a high of $103.74 and are now at $101.64. Shares are up 50.63% year-over-year and 26.80% year-to-date.

The chart below shows where the equity has traded over the last year, with the 50-day and 200-day moving averages included.

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