Dubai’s New 1.55 Mile-High Skyscraper

If you think you have seen it all, you’d probably wanna think again. Dubai has decided to build the tallest skyscraper ever on the face of the planet. It just unveiled its latest future creation and probably the new future wonder of the world – Dubai City Tower also called “Vertical City”.

The new upcoming 1.55-mile-high skyscraper planned for the Jumeirah City project in Dubai – as the plan shows is proposed to be sited along the Persian gulf where part of the building could push into the ocean creating a marina and a destination for cruise ships and tourism.

The overall mass of the tower that pushes every edge of building design, is broken down into six independent buildings, three rotating clockwise and three counter-clockwise about a central core.

The city-in-a-skyscraper will be divided into four 100 story sections linked via a vertical 125 mph bullet train that quickly distributes people between Sky Plazas that separate the different vertical sections.

Dubai Vertical CityDubai Vertical CityDubai Vertical CityDubai Vertical City

The sheer scale of this project will focus the world’s eye towards Dubai but it will be the tower’s unique design and image that will preserve Vertical City’s grandeur into the future.

How high can man go without leaving the earth?

About Ron Haruni 1278 Articles
Ron Haruni

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